=================== Boss Evaluation Program Information ================= by M.D. Smith -- Huntsville, AL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "THERE ARE 30 EVALUATION ITEMS. YOU SHOULD RANK "YOUR BOSS IN REGARD TO THE FOLLOWING POINT/VALUE SCALE: 1 NEVER APPLIES 2 RARELY APPLIES 3 SOMETIMES APPLIES 4 USUALLY APPLIES 5 ALWAYS APPLIES THEREFORE THE TOTAL EVALUATION VALUES ARE AS FOLLOWS: 0-30 SHOULD NOT BE A BOSS 30-60 BELOW AVERAGE BOSS 60-90 AVERAGE BOSS 90-120 ABOVE AVERAGE BOSS 120-150 OUTSTANDING BOSS AND LEADER -----------------------------------------------[ more ]------------------- There are three ways to use this program. The FIRST way is to answer the questions for yourself. Try to be completely honest with yourself as to what kind of a boss you are to the people you supervise. You may well see some weak areas in which you need to improve. The SECOND way is to give a blank form to the people you supervise and ask them to fill it out (all using pencil so it will look alike) and put the forms in a box. Do NOT sign the form. Later, you collect the box of forms and see how YOUR people score YOU. Now a warning here. You have to have a thick skin to do this. That is why there is the warning in the documentation that this is potentially powerful medicine. It is likely you will see yourself scored low in some areas in which you believe you are good. It if is only one or two out of a great many sheets, do not pay much attention to it. If, however, you find 30% or more showing you need improvement in this area, pay attention to it. How you are perceived by your people is often more important than how you perceive yourself. For some people, evaluating the boss is a way to let off steam. It is a way to "finally" evaluate him/her instead of the other way around. In this regard, it is a motivational tool to let your people do that. So the benefits are not only let you know how your people see you, but let them know you DO CARE how they rate your performance as a boss. The THIRD way to use this form is to rate YOUR boss and let him/her see it. In a situation where your boss has 7 or more people working for him, you might suggest he/she let all people working for him/her fill out the form and put in the box. That way, all people are nameless and are more likely to be completely truthful. When people know the BOSS KNOWS who filled out the form, they play games with it. However, if you plan to fill out the form and deliver it to your boss, you BETTER have a talk and understanding before you do. Some bosses are NOT enlightened and will not take kindly to your little "criticism" to him or her. Now this is assuming you are being honest and the boss does have some areas that need improvement (but may not see). I still have some "boss" forms my department heads filled out on me several years ago. Most of the areas were pretty good, but I remember several that were not. I didn't understand why the low ranking on some of the items that I thought I did pretty good with. So, in the next week's department head meeting, I asked the group about the several items, noting that I had no idea who had rated them low, but wanted to know why. It was quiet for a bit, but finally one person mentioned #7 that covered "REALLY LISTENS to me". It was observed that I sometimes looked away at my computer screen, or even typed a few words on the keyboard, while they were talking to me. I told them that I was hearing every word and when it came time for us to discuss the situation, I demonstrated I had heard and understood everything. They said, "Yes, boss, you do seem to hear most of it, but when you are looking away, down at some other papers, or even opening the mail while I am talking to you, it makes me FEEL that you don't consider my opinions or problems are important." THEN, I understood. It helped me, and rest assured I pay attention to them now. This BOSS EVALUATION form is potentially, very powerful. Make sure you are up to using the last two ways described above. If you do, keep your mind open to the results. If you use it and give it to YOUR boss, make sure he/she has an open mind too. For reference, here are the 30 BOSS skill areas used in the questionnaire: 1. Communicates effectively and clearly with me 2. Gives me opportunities to show him/her what I can do to help me advance 3. Is understanding about my work and personal problems 4. Is fair and treats everybody in the department alike 5. Is aware of good work when it is done 6. Keeps my 'mole-hill' mistakes from becoming mountains 7. REALLY LISTENS to me when I have problems and difficulties 8. Manages his/her temper even in difficult situations 9. Keeps our department working harmoniously with other departments 10. Keeps me informed so I really know what's going on around here 11. Gives credit where credit is due for good work and/or attitude 12. Is open to change if somebody has a good idea 13. Helps our department accomplish a lot 14. Has a positive and enthusiastic attitude 15. Generates confidence in his/her decisions 16. Organizes our department for efficiency without unnecessary procedures 17. Sets a good work and behavior example 18. Gives me confidence that if we really need something for our department, he/she will find a way to get it 19. Has given me raises as a direct result of understanding my work 20. Has a 'COACH' attitude instead of just a 'sink-or-swim' attitude 21. Appraises my value and work fairly 22. Makes good decisions whenever needed 23. Accepts some of the blame when I make a mistake 24. Stands by his/her principles even when it is not popular 25. Really knows what's going on in our department with people and work 26. When there is a 'bottleneck' my boss takes whatever steps he can to clear things up without getting himself and everybody else upset 27. Constantly works to develop team spirit 28. Doesn't take sides in an argument and helps people work out a compromise 29. Gets to the root cause of problems and solves them 30. Replaces an employee doing sub-standard work and/or with a poor attitude when it is necessary *************************[ end of BOSS Information ]***********************